Student Report Generator


Program outputs a random student report with the parameters specified by the user.

View the Project on GitHub zevyirmiyahu/Student_Report_Generator

Student Report Generator

The intended use of this program is for teachers who need to write behavioral/academic reports for their students. This program will quickly and effortlessly build a student report. Simply fill out the required fields (name, gender, etc.) and click generate. Note, the text box is unformatted and will be formatted automatically when the report is pasted into the desired editor. The user can fill in the optional text box about course over view and the final text box about contact the teacher for any question. You can download the program here: Download JAR File To run the program make sure you have the latest version of Java installed.

Tips on use:

  1. click the generated text,
  2. press control ‘a’ (grabs all text),
  3. control ‘c’ and
  4. control ‘v’ to paste in desired editor. Enjoy.


Start Screen

Start Screen

Generated Screen

Generated Screen

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