

Classic Pac-Man game

View the Project on GitHub zevyirmiyahu/Pac-Man



This is the classic Pac-Man game created without the use of a game engine. The game is made with Java and the sprites for the game were made using AseSprite. Similar to the original, foods are also spawned during game play. the three foods are: poop, banana, and a strawberry. The players score is calculated be each dot eaten plus any foods eaten.

About Development:

Every aspect of this game was hand made. All code was written in Java. The game menu, game winner and the game over screen pictures where drawn using the wacom intuos drawing pad. The sprites were created using Aseprite A few of the “smart” ghosts use an A star search algorithm with a set range of detection, while the “dummer” ghosts use a much simpler follow algorithm, which has a low range of detection. Lastly, the “really dumb” ghost just walk a random path in order to hinder the players likely path choices. The game controls are quite simple, space bar to start the game and arrow keys on keyboard control players direction…not complicated.

*Note: Collision detection and sound still need some work, but can play game below.

Download the Game

To play, download the JAR file: Download JAR File Make sure you have the latest version of Java installed, if not click here to get that first.


Menu Screen

Game Play

Game Play

Win Menu Screen

Win Menu Screen

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