Gods of Time


Role-playing game

View the Project on GitHub zevyirmiyahu/GOT

The Gods of Time (in development)

Official project page!

Note: This game is NOT finished, but a link to the jar file is provided below. Enjoy!

This is a game project of mine that is an action-adventure style game. The game is written from scratch in Java and all sprites for the game were crafted using asesprite.

Game Plot: Time has fractured for some unknown reason in the land of O’dune. Past, present and future have now become one. The world is in chaos and it is up to the Gods of Time to save the land. You descend to the land of O’dune as the god of the present, Unum the Exalted. The adventure begins!

Key Features of Game

  1. Switch between two weapons (sword and magic)
  2. Animated water movement
  3. Open world map
  4. Crisps pixel characters and enivorment
  5. Challenging Quests(Under Development)

Technical features of the Project

-successfully creation of collidors -title screen displays gif image -accurate shooting -sprite projectile rotation -successful implementation of animated sprites -custom font

Download the Game

To play, download the JAR file: Download JAR File Make sure you have the latest version of Java installed, if not click here to get that first.


Menu Screen

Story Menu Screen

Story Menu Screen

Game Play

Game Play

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